Acx, Cuban proposal for secure digital certificates.
Tomado de/Por: XETID
03/19/2022 - 18:11

With the aim of unequivocally verifying your real identity online when doing procedures with the public administration, the so-called digital certificates were born.
A Digital Certificate consists of a pair of cryptographic keys, one public and one private, created with a mathematical algorithm, so that what is encrypted with one of the keys can only be decrypted with its partner key. The holder of the certificate must keep the private key in his possession, since, if it is stolen, the theft taker could impersonate the holder's identity on the network.
In this case, the holder must revoke the certificate as soon as possible, just as a stolen credit card is cancelled. Cuba also has its own digital certificate, which offers security to customers.
The XETID company is the national entity in charge of providing Certification services or Certification Authority (ACXETID), by virtue of the approval issued by the Ministry of the Interior according to the powers conferred on it by Decree Law 199/1999. ACXETID issues recognized certificates used for identification and advanced electronic signature, for natural and/or legal persons who work in national entities and need to interrelate in the field of Electronic Data Interchange.
Among the main benefits is that you can carry out procedures without having to travel long distances, likewise you can legalize your procedures safely and quickly, while saving time and speeding up processes. These are homologated with international standards, which provides great flexibility for interoperability with editors of different types of documents and solutions for creating documents in different PDF formats.
They can be used on various operating systems, whether based on Windows or Unix/Linux. To maintain its reliability and security, ACX maintains a constant update of the validity of the issued certificates, which you can review, through the procedure established for it.